Detective Agency
1981 Memorial Drive, Suite 228
Chicopee, MA 01020 - 4322
413-505-7987 413-355-9074
MSP Licensed and Bonded
The Peltier & Tetrault Detective Agency strives to provide your firm with investigative services that exceed your expectations. Our experience, expertise and professionalism will provide your client with the due diligence that every case deserves. The satisfaction of you and your clients are paramount to our agency.
Peltier & Tetrault are always available to provide free case reviews on any criminal or civil matters that your firm may have. Our experience can provide a second set of new eyes on your case and provide you with an investigatory starting point which may be most advantageous for developing defense strategies.
Criminal, Civil and Legal Defense
Private Clients
Our agency also accepts private cases involving financial, domestic, workman's compensation claims, accidents and missing persons.
In the matter of some private cases, we may require a modest retainer from our client. Our retainer is based upon a percentage of the estimated time, with your agreement, that we believe the case may demand. If at anytime an investigation may exceed our collective estimation; we only proceed with your prior consultation and approval.
Peltier & Tetrault
Detective Agency
Available 24 hours
The Detectives
Julie Peltier
With a major in psychology and a minor in criminal justice, Julie Peltier provides immeasurable insight on the agency's cases. Since becoming a partner in 2013, she has been involved in the investigation of homicide, sexual assault, robbery, narcotic and domestic violence cases. Peltier is in in charge of all data base searches, skip traces and fraud related investigations She also is an invaluable asset during interviews and interrogations. Peltier is an expert in surveillance techniques and has extensive courtroom experience.
David Tetrault
With over a quarter of a century of criminal and civil investigations, David Tetrault is unequaled in experience in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin Counties. Tetrault has been the primary defense investigator in over 80 homicides, hundreds of narcotic cases, numerous sex crimes and other violent crimes. He has worked on about every high profile case in Western Massachusetts since 1990. He has investigated every type of crime imaginable, from grave robbing to serial killings. As a defense witness, Tetrault has testified in nearly every Superior Court in the Commonwealth as well as in Federal Courts.
"Supposing is good, but finding out is better." - Mark Twain
The Peltier and Tetrault Detective Agency can provide your firm and clients with specialized process service in both criminal and civil matters. Unlike other constables and sheriffs, Peltier and Tetrault will track, find and serve in hand your subpoenas, summons , warrants and complaints.
No longer will you be be wondering if your important documents were just left stuffed in a door at the last known abode.
Constable Peltier provides the following process services:
Civil and Criminal Services
Subpoenas, Summons and Complaints.
Harassment Orders, 209A Orders and other Domestic matters.
Capias Apprehensions
Residential and Commercial
Evictions, Executions, Notices to Quit
Complaints, Asset Recovery, Motor Vehicle Repossessions

Constable Julie Peltier
Duly Sworn and Bonded
" You want to find an outlaw, hire an outlaw. You want to find a Dunkin' Dounts, call a cop" - Leonard Smalls
Julie A. Peltier David J. Tetrault
Private Detective Private Detective